Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Uh... summer?

The summer has been... well, a summer. It started out with a trip to NS, and a beautiful wedding: Then on July 6th, we brought a couple of newbies into our home.

I've been spending my time taking pictures of flowers and messing in the garden:

We've been to the beach:

and it's been pretty nice.

Not everything's been wonderful. Last week, I had surgery that basically confirmed that having babies is not in the cards for me:

(I will write about that on my regular blog, when I'm ready).

I have about three weeks left of summer. I hope to make the most of it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Oh guess what it's raining!

Every morning, I go for a walk. I'm hideously out of shape, so I started out with 15-minute walks, and have been adding 5 minutes every week. I'm up to 40 minutes now, and it's getting to be a habit. I go out around 6 am, so there's no one around watching me drag my sorry ass around (I walk really slowly. I mean, I'm walking as fast as I can, but I have short legs for such a tall person, and generally I can't keep up with fast-walkers). Plus it's cool listening to the birds and looking at peoples' flowers without them thinking I'm a crazy lady on the street in front of their house. I usually take with me my watch, my DS thing to measure my activity level, and the cellphone, in case mentalists jump out at me. If a mentalist ever jumps out at me, I can call the mentalist wrangler hotline to come and take him away.

The cellphone also has a camera on it, so I take some photos sometimes. This is from about 6:15 this morning:

and now we're received about 45 mm of rain, with another 10-20 to come before tomorrow morning.
... as my husband says "Well, at least it's not snow."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What's it been, nearly a month?

That sounds about right. Here's a picture of my new hair. I like it. Don't love my face, but whatever.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So, it's been awhile. The reason being that my little laptop is being a bit of a dink, and although I've been taking plenty of photos, I haven't been able to get them from the SD card onto the computer. And am too lazy to go into the other room and use the desktop (which is, really, my husband's domain).
Luckily he isn't too lazy to help me out and the other day put a bunch of pictures onto Picnik for me. Which I now can put on here. And you can look at them, if you're interested. Which you might not be.

I went out in the garden over the weekend. Remember my previous post with a picture of a sunflower? These are the remains of my sunflower patch:

(as always, click to embiggen).

Yeah, I left them out all winter, poor darlings, to be buried in snow and to feed the birds. I ruthlessly tore them down after taking these pictures, though. Time to get ready for a new planting season.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I am just really excited that summer seems to be on its way. Of course we had snow in May last year so I might be wrong, but I'm just holding on tightly to the fact that we had sun today. 

 This is an older photo, from August of 2008.

I tried making it "new" by doing this to it: 

Okay, back to basking in my backyard.

(edit 9:45 pm - I just discovered this in my drafts... it was supposed to post this morning. Oh well. In case you're wondering, there was basking. Oh yes, yes there was).

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One of my students origami'd me this flower. He's the sweetest guy. "Madame, I just invented this for you!"
Tiny Happy Turtle loves the flower, too. It's just his size.